
  • Born in Lisbon;

  • Attended the Theater Studies at the Évora University;

  • A degree in Theater at the College of Arts and Design in Caldas da Rainha where received two Merit Scholarships as a distinction for high qualifying scores;

  • As an was directed by directors as Miguel Moreira, João Garcia Miguel, Diogo Dória, José Eduardo Rocha, Paulo Patraquim and Luis Varela;

  • Participated in various workshops and seminars, including: Body and Movement workshop with Luciano Amarelo, Writing workshop for Theater and Film, Writing workshop for Comedy, the seminar The Method of Konstantin Stanislavsky and contemporary dance workshops with Ana Leitão (Choreographer Company Bacantoh Barcelona), Cyril Viallon, Matthieu Hocquemiller and Cécile Loyer - from the principles of Butô dance;

  • Currently living in Oporto;

  • Studied at IPF – Instituto Português de Fotografia (Portuguese Institute of Photography);

  • Worked with FotoSport Studio as a photographer for the booking event "Young Stars" with the partnership of the model agencie SpaceMilanModels.

  • Co-creator of Mr.Lazy&Mme.Leisure, a artistic duo developing work on the visual arts including performance, installations, video art and photography. Participation of the artists Marco Telmo Martins in the C.C.T.V. performance and Mark Aragão in the Arte o Muerte performance.

  • Collaborates on a regular basis with Colónia Collective International, and Hotel 555 – Cultural and Artistic Association;

  • Developing a series of individual projects in performance and photography.

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A partir de Sophie Calle

Este video é o resultado de uma apresentação feita em 2007 no 2º ano do curso de teatro. A performance, intitulada Desgosto, surgiu no seguimento de uma proposta feita pela professora de dramaturgia, Joana Craveiro, de criar uma performance a partir do trabalho de Sophie Calle. 

Numa primeira fase o público era questionado pela performer sobre qual o motivo do último desgosto que este tivesse vivenciado. Todas as respostas, sem excepção, eram escritas na folha branca que delimitava o espaço de acção no exterior. Seguidamdente, dois membros do público eram convidados a entrar na sala onde se podia ouvir Avec le Temps de Leo Ferré, era-lhes pedido que se colocassem de pé, a dois metros da janela que dava acesso ao exteriror e que dessem as mãos. O par assistia a uma fotografia viva quando a acção no exteriror começava:

Desgosto from Isa Araújo on Vimeo.

Criação Isa Araújo
Filmagem Raimundo Cosme
Edição e montagem Isa Araújo


This video is the result of a presentation in 2007, my second year in drama school. The performance, titled Desgosto ( Grief ), came following a proposal made by the Dramaturgy teacher, Joana Craveiro, to create a performance based on the work of Sophie Calle. 

Initially the public was questioned by the performer on the reason for the letter sorrow each one of them had experienced. All answers, without exception, were written in the white sheet that delineated the scope for action abroad. Then, two members of the public were invited to enter the room where you could hear Leo Ferré's Avec le Temps, was asked to put themselves standing two meters from the window that gave access to exterior and hold hands. The pair was in the presence of what reminded them of a alive photography when the action began.

Concepcion/performance Isa Araújo
Camera: Raimundo Cosme

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